
medical treatment

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medical treatment为短语/超纲词汇
1. But for ten years, while he continued to experiment with penicillin, his discovery was largely ignored by the medical world.

2. Before being allowed to leave the police for medical reasons, they lost between them 12,000 days on sick leave: the equivalent of 50 police officers off the street for a full year.

3. Why do you have so much medical knowledge?

4. Welfare sent Suzanne to look around in my apartment the other day because the chemist said I was using a larger than usual amount of medical supplies.

5. When you're faced with an immediate temptation, remind yourself of your long-term goals — whether they be losing weight or getting a medical degree.

6. The hospital offers free treatment to indigents.

7. The minister admitted that he gave preferrential treatment to people from his own party.
    那位部长承认, 他对自己政党里的人给与照顾.

8. The government is responsible for the provision of medical services.

9. Timely rendition of medical care saved his life.
    由于对他进行了及时治疗, 他的性命保住了。

10. The patient was given surgical treatment.
